Center Information
The Center is open from 7:00 am through 5:30 pm, Monday – Friday, year round.
Ages Served
Children must be at least 6-weeks-old to enter the Center. Our early childhood program cares for children until they leave for Kindergarten.
Waiting List
Parents may put their name on the waiting list for care any time after a pregnancy has been confirmed. The waiting list is maintained by service priority and in order of being received. As openings occur, placements are offered in the following order:
Siblings of families already enrolled in the Center
NYS employees and University at Albany faculty, staff, and students
Community at large
Weather Closing Policies
CMCC realizes the importance of dependable child care and therefore will close only in cases of extreme weather conditions. If the Center will be opening late, or not at all, the information will be broadcast on the following television stations:
WNYT (Channel 13)
WRGB (Channel 10)
Capital Milestones Child Care will be closed on:
New Year’s Day Labor Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Columbus Day
President’s Day Veteran’s Day Memorial Day Thanksgiving and the day after
Juneteenth Christmas
Fourth of July
Additionally, CMCC will close at noon on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.